
Administrative Staff

Mr. Hans Christen


Mr Christen, an ex-member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors of the Peterhouse Group of Schools, and a former headmaster of Twin Rivers School, was originally the founder-headmaster of Rishworth House. He has returned to Rishworth House as Principal, to bring guidance and oversight to the running of the school, using his wealth of experience in education. Mr Christen who holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Rhodes University, previously taught at Ruzawi Preparatory School, Peterhouse Girls’ School and at Broadhurst Primary School in Gaborone.

Mrs. Pamudzai Chikumba


Ms Chikumba has several qualifications including a B.Sc. (Zimbabwe Open University)), a Post-Graduate degree from Women’s University in Africa and a Diploma in Education from Masvingo Teachers’ College. She has nineteen years’ experience in the field of primary education and she describes herself as “an innovative teacher who loves working with children”.

Ms. Sharon Mandaza


Ms Mandaza has more than 20 years experience in quality assurance and administrative work across education, legal and manufacturing sectors. She is a firm believer of striving for excellence in all aspects of life based on a strong Christian foundation. She holds a Masters degree in Business Administration (University of Gloucestershire), Bachelor degree in Business Administration (University of South Africa), Executive Certificate in Programme and Project Monitoring and Evaluation (University of Zimbabwe) plus other qualifications in quality assurance and business management.


Pamhidzai Chikumba

Headmistress and Grade 1 teacher

Master’s Degree in Educational Management and Administration (UZ) pending
Post Graduate Degree in Child Sensitive Social Policies (WUA)
Executive Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation (UZ)
BSc HGES (Zim Open University)
Diploma in Education (Masvingo Teachers College)

Gillian Jeffery

ECD A teacher

Certificate in Early Childhood Development (Morgan Zintec College)

Sophia Mushavatu

ECD B and Art teacher

Diploma in ECD Education, majoring in Art (Marymount Teachers’ College)

Irene Dhimba

Grade 1 assistant teacher

Diploma in Education, majoring in English (Bondolfi Teachers’ College)

Nyasha Bumhira

Grade 2 teacher

Diploma in Education (Morgan Zintec Teachers’ College)

Faith Mugugu

Grade 3 teacher

Diploma in Education (Bondolfi Teachers’ College)

Idah Maponda

Grade 4 teacher

Master’s Degree in Development Studies (WUA)
BSc Honours Degree in Child Psychology (UZ)
Diploma in Education (Bondolfi Teachers College)

Noster Matope

Grade 5 teacher

Diploma in Education (Morgan Zintec College)

Kaudzaishe Gonorenda

Grade 6 teacher

BSc degree in Sports Science and Administration (NUST)
Diploma in Education (Mkoba Teachers’ College)
Certificate in Mass Media and Communication (Harare Polytechnic)

Timothy Nyikadzino

Head of Senior Department and Grade 7 teacher

Bachelor of Science in Special Education (Zimbabwe Open University)
Diploma in Education (Nyadire Teachers College)

Trust Mutombo

VPA and Music teacher

BSC. Honours Degree in Music Business, Musicology and Technology (MSU)
Professional Certificate in Music (Global Music Academy)

Jedidiah Wenye

ICT teacher

Diploma in Computer Science Education (Morgan Zintec Teachers College)

Nyasha Mudyiwa

French teacher

Bachelor of Arts Degree, majoring in French and Linguistics (UZ)